Paterson Real Estate, Buy, Sell, Rent, Invest

Paterson Real Estate, Buy, Sell, Rent and Invest

The City of Paterson – Great Town for Real Estate, Buy, Sell, Rent, Invest – has a rich history as one of the most industrially developed cities in the United States in the mid to late 1800’s and became known  worldwide as the Silk City by its many textile mills which produced some of the finest silk in the world, also its industrial might included firearms, railroad locomotive and manufacturing industries of different sorts powered by the system of water raceways and generators propelled by the Great Falls which still produces energy which is sold to Public Service Electric and Gas

The largest city in Passaic County and the third largest in New Jersey, it’s many neighborhoods impart a culturally rich blend of traditions, food, customs and a great assortment of restaurants, parks, businesses and recreation options that makes it a unique place with something for everyone.



Homes For Sale in Paterson by Price Range

Paterson Homes in Hillcrest Section

Homes in Lakeview Section

Homes – Manor Section



Two-to-Four Family Homes For Sale in Paterson by Price Range

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Looking to Sell, Purchase or Invest in Paterson? Call The Sanchez Team, Your Neighborhood Real Estate Expert and Get the Results You Deserve at (973) 216-1945 or Email at

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